Delete Account

We work hard to ensure the best possible service and experience for our users. For this reason, we invite you to contact us for any problems you encounter while using CRUBSTER, whether it concerns the App itself, the users or the regulations in place, so we can improve everyone's experience as much as possible.

When closing an account it must be considered that all the reviews created will be deleted and this procedure is irreversible. From the account cancellation request, the user will have 15 days to be able to cancel the procedure. To cancel the procedure, simply access your account again within the 15-day period to confirm the cancellation of the cancellation. After 15 days it will no longer be possible to access the account and all reviews will be permanently deleted.

If you still want to close your account:

  1. Press the PROFILE section in the HOME BAR;
  2. In the User settings section, press Personal information;
  3. Scroll to the bottom of the Personal Information page and press the Delete Account button;
  4. Once the deletion of the account is confirmed, the 15 day period will start.

Do you have questions or suggestions 🤔? Write us! 🦀

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