User score

The user score is a score automatically assigned by our algorithms that defines how close a reviewer is to a semi-professional reviewer. The score is assigned by comparing the distribution of individual user reviews with that of a professional reviewer

We analyze the number of votes given by each reviewer for each class (from 1 to 10) and on the basis of these, we return a user score which defines its objectivity.

User score is on a scale from 0 to 100, where 0 defines a “not very objective” reviewer and 100 as an “Extremely objective” reviewer. Based on the score obtained, each user is associated with a category, such as:

  • 👻 Level 0: Users that have less than 16 reviews for whom we cannot compute the score;
  • 👶 Level 1: Users with a score from 0 to 30;
  • 💃 Level 2: Users with a score from 31 to 55;
  • 🧐 Level 3: Users with a score from 56 to 75;
  • 🤌 Level 4: Users with a score from 76 to 90;
  • 🦀 Level 5: Users with a score from 91 to 100;

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