Terms of the Incentive Program


This document is intended to regulate the Incentive Program that the managers of the software application called "Crubster" (Application) offer to some selected content creators on the platform.

1. Parties

Application Provider: Crubster S.r.l. (hereinafter referred to as “Crubster” or “Provider”)
Creator: The content creator (of legal age) selected by Crubster (hereafter referred to as the “Creator”).

2. Object

2.1 Crubster provides the Creator with a cloud computing service for accessing and using the aforementioned Application, dedicated to creating a community and sharing content, opinions and thoughts in relation to a series of activities, experiences, services and products offered by third party vendors on the market.
2.2 Crubster selects some subjects among its users and potential users to join an incentive program that can allow the Creator to receive an economic or other type of remuneration.
2.3 It is possible for users or potential users to apply for the Incentive program only once certain eligibility conditions have been met (which will be detailed from time to time on the Application or on the website www.crubster.com); the application to the program in no way obliges Crubster to consider the submitted request. Users who meet these conditions may also be contacted directly by Crubster to propose them to apply for the Incentive program. Crubster will decide at its sole discretion whether or not to accept the applications.
2.4 This agreement is considered effective when the Creator accepts it or when the Creator makes the request for participation in the Incentive program through the Application.

3. Service Provision

3.1 The Creator acknowledges that Crubster may provide service status communications only through the Application and/or the crubster.com website. The latter communications must in any case be understood as a mere aid to the use of the Incentive Program.
3.2 Crubster assumes no responsibility deriving from the loss of the availability of the profile, the related fees, or the email box to which the profile is associated. The activity carried out and the services provided will in any case be attributable to the Creator until the documentation of the complaint is presented to the competent authorities. Crubster will not be responsible for any malfunctions and/or impediments to accessing the portal due to the failure to update the contact details or their incorrect entry.
3.3 The Creator is also responsible for the credentials indicated for access to the platform and undertakes not to disclose, transfer or allow the use of the access keys thus generated to third parties and to keep them with the utmost care and diligence, being the only subject authorized to access and the exclusive responsible for their custody and use.
3.4 The Creator accepts and recognizes, from now on, as his every use and operation of the Application (connection, modification, service request, content insertion, data recording or other) that will be carried out with his access keys.
3.5 The Creator accepts that, as regards the attestation of all the operations carried out from his access account, only the logs on the Crubster servers shall prevail.

4. Exclusivity and Intellectual Property

4.1 From the effective date of this contract, the Creator undertakes not to transmit, distribute, exhibit, or otherwise make available to third parties in any way the contents created and uploaded to the Application (except for the diffusion guaranteed by the Crubster platform).
4.2 If the Creator sends, transmits, displays, performs, or otherwise publishes content on the Application, it grants Crubster, to the maximum extent and for an indefinite period or otherwise for the maximum duration permitted by applicable law, an unlimited, worldwide, irrevocable, sublicensable, right to the exclusive and free use, reproduction, modification, adaptation, publication, dissemination, translation, creation of derivative works from, distribution, performance and display of the contents of the Creator in any form, format, medium and channel as well as to use the name, the identity, appearance and voice of the Creator. If such contents contain personal data of third parties, the Creator declares and guarantees that he has obtained the appropriate consents and/or licenses to use such contents for the purpose of their use by Crubster to the extent provided for in this article.

5. Duration

5.1 The Creator can request the cancellation of his Creator profile from the Application by sending the request through the Application itself. Any other method will be admissible only for documented reasons that prevent profile cancellation via the Application and will in any case be examined with respect to the specific case and may be subject to further checks by Crubster.
5.2 It is understood that following the cancellation of the Creator profile, Crubster will have no payment obligation towards the Creator, as well as for the conservation of any emoluments stored on the Application and for the custody of the data, for information and content recorded by the Creator on the Application and will not be liable in any way for any damage, alteration, loss, even partial of the same.
5.3 Following the cancellation of the Creator profile, the contents created by the Creator can be maintained on the non-Creator user profile if the Creator requests it by means of an email sent to the support address indicated on the website in the support section.
5.4 In the event that the Creator does not wish to maintain a User profile or wishes to delete the contents from his profile, Crubster reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to keep the contents created by the Creator on the Application after the profile has been deleted according to the terms of referred to in art. 4.

6. Resolution, withdrawal and termination of service

6.1 Crubster may inhibit access to the Incentive program and/or the Application in the event of a violation of these terms, a violation of the Application's terms of service, a violation of the community guidelines, a non-compliant use of the Application from the purposes for which it is provided, account inactivity for more than 4 months or in any case at its sole discretion.
6.2 Crubster in particular may exclude Creators who have attempted to increase their fees/remunerations contrary to good faith (as an example, the following behaviors may result in an exclusion: views and/or interactions increased through bots, views and/or interactions increased through profiles incentivized to such activities by the Creator, use of misleading titles or systematic exaggerations in order to increase views and/or interactions with the content created). Crubster will pursue any and more extensive verification activities for this purpose.
6.3 Following the withdrawal, as well as in the event of termination or termination of the service, Crubster will have no payment obligation towards the Creator (especially in the case of any sums creditable upon reaching the threshold of € 100.00), as well as no retention obligation of any fees credited to the Application and no custody obligation regarding to data, information and content recorded by the Creator on the Application and will not be liable in any way for any damage, alteration, loss, even partial.
6.4 Crubster has the right to obtain compensation for the damage suffered in the event of non-compliant behavior by the Creator, even with the recovery of fees already paid to the Creator.

7. Obligations of the Creator

7.1 By accepting this contract, the Creator declares to be of legal age.
7.2 The Creator will be solely and exclusively responsible for any operation performed in the use and management of his own profile. The Creator hereby indemnifies Crubster from any liability for the operations performed in the use of this profile and for any direct or indirect damages to persons or things deriving from said operations, undertaking to hold Crubster harmless from any dispute and request for compensation or of any other nature made by third parties for said operations. Crubster also may suspend the payment of fees and/or remunerations until the complete resolution of any dispute that may arise between the parties or between the Creator and third parties that could claim against Crubster or between Crubster and third parties or authorities in relation to the activity of the Creator.
7.3 The Creator undertakes to participate in the Incentive program by operating fairly and in good faith, without violating laws, licenses, rights of third parties or other disciplines relevant to him or to Crubster.
7.4 The Creator undertakes to provide Crubster with transparent, accurate, complete and updated information for the purposes of the execution of this contract.

8. Obligations of Crubster

8.1 Crubster undertakes to collaborate with the Creator in good faith and fairness in order to allow him to operate on the Application and to receive fees and/or remunerations where the activity on the platform by the Creator reflects specific requirements of objectivity, frequency, quality and quantity of contributions produced. These requirements are unilaterally determined by Crubster.
8.2 Crubster remains in any case totally extraneous to the activity of the Creator and is not subject to obligations of surveillance on the use of the Application by the Creator.
8.3 Crubster undertakes to make available to the Creator a specific section of the Application where he can check the status of the program or Incentive and the fees/remunerations accrued.

9. Fees and remunerations

9.1 Crubster, at its sole discretion, may pay the Creator a sum as compensation where the effects on the Application created by the Creator with its own contents exceed specific thresholds determined unilaterally by Crubster. This sum may be represented in different ways on the Application and may be paid to the Creator in monetary value (Euros), vouchers or prizes as detailed on the website and/or on the Application.
9.2 Crubster undertakes to indicate the fees earned by the Creator through the reserved area of the Application, and to transfer them according to the terms of art. 10 only once the Creator has sent the specific request present in the Application, has satisfied the minimum threshold requirements and has sent the appropriate tax documentation.
9.3 Crubster could also incentivize some Creators or groups of Creators by increasing, on the basis of internal assessments, and/or in any case at its sole discretion, the sums recognized as compensation for a limited period of time.
9.4 Crubster may also pay the Creator or groups of Creators fees or remunerations uploaded to the Application at its sole discretion in the event of purchases made through the Application and attributable to content created by the Creator, in the case of special initiatives in which the Creator participates or in case of incentives or bonuses to users.
9.5 The fees or remunerations assigned through the Application will be subject to terms and conditions of use which will be communicated to the Creator at the time of the transfer request.
9.6 The fees or remunerations will also be subject to expiry. The deadline, unless otherwise indicated at the time of assignment, is 120 days from the assignment itself. After this term, the fees or remunerations can no longer be used.
9.7 The parties expressly acknowledge that Crubster is not required to issue any representation, warranty or covenant regarding the amount of fees or emoluments, nor to document its income
9.8 Crubster is not, as a result, responsible for the actions and initiatives of the Creator carried out on the basis of compensation expectations.
9.9 Although Crubster undertakes to guarantee the functionality of the Application without interruption 24 hours a day, seven days a week, the same cannot be held responsible for any malfunctions, disservices or errors relating to the Application that negatively affect the compensation and /or remunerations of the Creator.

10. Terms of payment

10.1 The Creator may request the transfer of the fees referred to in the previous article only once the minimum redemption time of 60 days has passed from the time of assignment and only upon reaching the minimum threshold of €100.00 of redeemable fees. For limited periods of time, lower thresholds detailed on the website and/or on the Application may be permitted.
10.2 Upon reaching these thresholds, the Creator may request the transfer of the redeemable fees through the appropriate section of the Application. Once the request has been made, the Creator has 30 days to present a valid tax document relating to the same and to indicate his payment preferences or obtaining the voucher or prize, where multiple options are available. In case of failure to present the fiscal document and/or failure to indicate payment preferences within the terms, the sums are considered irrevocably waived by the Creator.
10.3 Crubster undertakes to transfer the sums referred to in the previous article to the Creator within 90 days of presentation of the tax document and indication of payment preferences.
10.4 Crubster undertakes to credit any fees/remunerations referred to in the previous article to the Application within 60 days of their accrual. These fees/remunerations may be subject to particular deadlines/conditions which will be indicated to the Creator during the accreditation.

11. Taxation

11.1 The Creator undertakes to issue and transmit a suitable tax document to Crubster in accordance with the law in order to obtain payment of the amount due.
11.2 The Creator undertakes to highlight the applicable taxes on the invoice/receipt and is liable for their non-inclusion and subsequent omitted payment by Crubster. Crubster may deduct any amounts it may be authorized to deduct (e.g. withholding tax) and payment less such deductions shall be deemed fully satisfactory.
11.3 The Creator undertakes to provide Crubster, upon simple request, with forms, documents or certifications that may be necessary for the purposes of tax returns or assessments relating to payments made.

12. Independence of the parties

12.1 Crubster and the Creator explicitly acknowledge their mutual independence and the fact that this agreement is not suitable for creating an employment relationship or similar between the parties.

13. Transfer of the contract

13.1 The Creator may not transfer this Agreement, except with Crubster's approval in writing. Without prejudice to this premise, the contract will be binding and will jointly bind any successors and assignees of the Creator.
13.2 Crubster is since now entitled to transfer this contract to third parties.

14. Changes

14.1 Crubster may unilaterally modify the conditions of this contract at any time. If the Creator does not accept these changes, this contract must be considered terminated from the date of their application. The changes are understood to be known and approved through the appropriate tools present on the Application.

15. Confidentiality

15.1 The Creator undertakes to maintain the utmost confidentiality on the content of this agreement as well as on the extent of the emoluments and fees received.
15.2 The violation of this article will result in the immediate withdrawal of Crubster with the right of the same to take action for compensation for the damage suffered.

16. Applicable law and jurisdiction

16.1 This contract is governed by Italian law.
16.2 Any dispute between the parties regarding the interpretation, validity, execution and termination of this contract is the exclusive jurisdiction of the Court of Verona.

17.  Privacy

17.1 The regulation of the relations between the parties with reference to the processing of data by Crubster as well as by the Creator and Crubster through the Application is governed by the privacy policy available at the following LINK.

18. Terms of Service and Community Guidelines

18.1 This contract implies acceptance and adherence to the terms of service of the application and the Community Guidelines, available at the following LINK. In the event of a conflict between the two documents mentioned and this contract, this contract prevails.

19. Language

19.1 This contract is drawn up in Italian and English, in case of conflict between the versions, the Italian language shall prevail.

Requesting the participation to the Incentive Program offered by Crubster S.r.l. the Creator approves these terms and specifically following clauses: 2 (object), 3 (Service Provision), 4 (Exclusivity and Intellectual Property), 5 (Duration), 6 (Resolution, withdrawal and termination of service), 7 (Obligations of the Creator), 9 (Fees and remunerations), 10 (Terms of payment), 13 (Transfer of the contract), 15 (Confidentiality), 16 (Applicable law and jurisdiction), 19 (Language)

These Terms were updated the 01.01.2023

© CRUBSTER S.r.l. 2023 | P.I. IT04881590238

Using our products you accept our terms of service and our privacy policy.