Report content

Reporting a place

To report an error regarding the address, name, images or contacts:

  1. Enter the profile of the activity you wish to report;
  2. Press the flag icon under the activity cover image, on the right;
  3. Once the report has been confirmed, we will process the request and carry out the necessary checks to verify the reported activity.

Reporting a review

If a user wants to report a review, because he/she considers it wrongly associated with an activity or that this review is fake and violates our regulation:

  1. Identify the review to report;
  2. Click on the review to enter the review detail page;
  3. Scroll to the bottom of the review page and under the section showing the reviewed restaurant, press the button Report this content as inappropriate;
  4. Once the report has been confirmed, we will take charge of the user's request and we will carry out the necessary checks to verify the reported review;

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